A Feminist Analysis of Security in Turkey

Neoliberal Patriarchy, Authoritarianism, and Package Politics


  • Simten Cosar University of Pittsburgh
  • Gulden Ozcan University of Lethbridge




AKP, feminist security studies, national security, social security, Turkey


This article analyzes the securitization of the political space under the Adalet ve Kalk?nma Partisi (Justice and Development Party, AKP) governments in Turkey with a critical feminist lens. We argue that a feminist reading unpacks the connection between AKP’s discursive strategies in the spheres of social and national security. We focus on the AKP’s proposals that address social policy and defense policy spheres—namely, the “Women’s Employment Package;” “Family Package;” and “Internal Security Package.” In our analysis, we start from the argument that the AKP’s terms in office represent the last phase of neoliberal transformation in the country. Packages in this phase also speak to the patchwork style of neoliberal policy making. They function as means for checking, and then, manipulating public opinion. Analysis of the packages provides insight into the AKP’s increasing resort to violence vis-á-vis opposition as well as the deepening of the economic crisis in the country in the last two decades.

Author Biographies

Simten Cosar, University of Pittsburgh

Simten Coşar, Professor

Visiting Instructor, Global Studies Center, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Coşar is the co-editor of Universities in the Neoliberal Era: Academic Cultures and Critical Perspectives (2017) and of Silent Violence: Neoliberalism, Islamist Politics and the AKP Years in Turkey (2012). Her articles in English are published in Monthly Review, Feminist Review, South European Society and Politics, Journal of Political Ideologies, Journal of Mediterranean Studies, Journal of Third World Studies, Alternate Routes, and Contemporary Politics.


Gulden Ozcan, University of Lethbridge

Gülden Özcan, Assistant Professor

Department of Sociology, University of Lethbridge, AB, Canada

Özcan co-edited A General Police System: Political Economy and Security in the Age of Enlightenment (2009) and Capitalism and Confrontation: Critical Readings (2012). She contributed to Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, Moment: Journal of Cultural Studies, Kampfplatz, and The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization. Her commentaries appeared in The Bullet (Socialist Project, E-Bulletin).


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How to Cite

Cosar, S., & Ozcan, G. (2021). A Feminist Analysis of Security in Turkey: Neoliberal Patriarchy, Authoritarianism, and Package Politics . Journal of World-Systems Research, 27(1), 35–57. https://doi.org/10.5195/jwsr.2021.1034



Capitalist World-Economy in Crisis: Policing, Pacification, and Legitimacy