The New Shape of the Global Power-Field (GPF) After the Transformation of the Modern World-System Post-WWII (Part. 2)

Further Outlines in the Evolution of the Field and Its Impact on the Global South


  • Omer Awass American Islamic College


world-system, field of power, asymmetrical relations, objectification, non-locality, vectors of power, iran


This article is a follow-up to a previous essay that mapped the dynamics of the modern world-system theory into what was called a Global Power-Field (GPF) during the colonial era phase of planetary history. It continues this mapping project by exploring the reconfiguration of the field in the postcolonial period. This field of power operated on the practice of ‘objectification’ of asymmetrical relations within its domain. The current essay extends that analysis by further identifying the forms of ‘objectification’ in the field’s contemporary phase. A prominent feature of the current field is the non-locality of its operations; a term signifying the level of dispersion of its vectors of power across the globe. The investigation will conclude with a detailed case study of how this current version of the GPF impacts the Global South by examining Post-Revolutionary Iran’s relations with the West.


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How to Cite

Awass, O. (2022). The New Shape of the Global Power-Field (GPF) After the Transformation of the Modern World-System Post-WWII (Part. 2): Further Outlines in the Evolution of the Field and Its Impact on the Global South. Journal of World-Systems Research, 28(1), 4–24. Retrieved from



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