Every Day I Write the Book

Geoculture as Dominant Ideology in the Twenty-First Century





Geoculture, Dominant Ideology, Market Society, Clash of Civilizations


The article examines the concept of geoculture understood as a form of dominant ideology in the twenty-first century. It situates this in the context of the attempt by conservative and liberal elites in the core states to frame a coherent understanding of the post-Cold War world with which to guide, justify, and legitimize policies and actions. The dominant geoculture has come to be framed by two contrasting grand narratives which establish a framework for legitimate intra-elite debate and understanding of the post-Cold War era: Neoliberalism and the Clash of Civilizations. The significance of these two intra-elite grand narratives is that they represent a break with what Wallerstein has called “centrist liberalism,” which has tended to dominate the geoculture of the modern world-system.

Author Biography

Peter Wilkin, Brunel University

Peter Wilkin is a Reader in the department of social and political science at Brunel University, UK. His research has focussed upon a range of issues including: the relationship between popular and political culture; security and development; the political economy of communication; and challenges to Centrist Liberalism from a reconstituted political left and right. He is currently finishing projects on the Gilets Jaunes, Brexit, and the place of Anarchism in the modern world-system.


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How to Cite

Wilkin, P. (2023). Every Day I Write the Book: Geoculture as Dominant Ideology in the Twenty-First Century . Journal of World-Systems Research, 29(2), 377–400. https://doi.org/10.5195/jwsr.2023.1190