Anarchism in the Web of Transnational Social Movements


  • Christopher Chase-Dunn University of California, Riverside
  • John Aldecoa University of California, California
  • Ian Breckenridge-Jackson University of California, Riverside
  • Joel S. Herrera University of California, Los Angeles



Anarchism, Transnational Social Movements, TSMs, World Social Forum


Anarchists have played a visible and significant role in global civil society since the 19th century and in the New Global Left since it emerged in the 1990s. Horizontalism and social libertarianism have been central components of the contemporary World Revolution and were also important in the world revolutions of 1968 and 1989. Anarchists have participated in the Social Forum process at the global, national and local levels and, in various ways, have influenced the contemporary world revolution far beyond their numbers. We use surveys from Social Forums to examine how self-identified actively involved anarchists are similar or different from other attendees. We also conduct a formal network analysis to examine the links that the anarchists have with other social movement themes. Despite the small number of self-identified anarchists, our findings suggest that anarchist organizational approaches and political values are widely shared among the activists who have been involved in the Social Forum process.


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How to Cite

Chase-Dunn, C., Aldecoa, J., Breckenridge-Jackson, I., & Herrera, J. S. (2019). Anarchism in the Web of Transnational Social Movements. Journal of World-Systems Research, 25(2), 373–394.



Research Articles