Forging a Diagonal Instrument for the Global Left: The Vessel


  • Rebecca Álvarez New Mexico Highlands University
  • Christopher Chase-Dunn University of California-Riverside (founding editor)



Global Party Formation, The Global Left, Horizontalism, Diagonalism, World Social Forum


This article takes up Samir Amin’s challenge to rethink the issue of global political organization by proposing the building of a diagonal political organization for the Global Left that would link local, national and world regional and global networks and prefigurational communities to coordinate contention for power in the world-system during the next few decades of the 21st century. The World Social Forum (WSF) process needs to be reinvented for the current period of rising neo-fascist and populist reactionary nationalism and to foster the emergence of a capable instrument that can confront and contend with the global power structure of world capitalism and aid local and national struggles. This will involve overcoming the fragmentation of progressive movements that have been an outcome of the rise of possessive individualism, the precariat, and social media. We propose a holistic approach to organizing a vessel for the global left based on struggles for climate justice, human rights, anti-racism, queer rights, feminism, sharing networks, peace alliances, taking back the city, progressive nationalism and confronting and defeating neo-fascism and new forms of conservative populism.


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How to Cite

Álvarez, R., & Chase-Dunn, C. (2019). Forging a Diagonal Instrument for the Global Left: The Vessel. Journal of World-Systems Research, 25(2), 345–364.



Forum: Samir Amin's Call for New International of Workers and Peoples